Some things

​to think about

Caregiver Crash: Tips To Enjoy The Busy Summer

Summer brings with it a unique set of challenges for caregivers. Scheduling conflicts, transportation woes, and dealing with behavioral changes can all add to the challenges of juggling your own well-being while meeting the needs of those you care for making it essential to find ways to reduce stress in your life.

With weddings, parties, celebrations, work, and of course, the long-awaited school break, it’s like a chaotic game of Twister but without the fun colors and giggles. You might feel burnt out and overwhelmed with all these activities and youngsters vying for your attention. But you don’t have to let the summer rush leave you feeling as frazzled as your sun-damaged hair.

So grab a cool drink, and let’s dive in face-first, tackling caregiver crash with strategies to help you enjoy the summer while maintaining your sanity.


Planning might not sound like the most exciting summer activity, but trust us, it’s a game-changer. Create a schedule that includes all the important events and tasks… and then DELEGATE responsibilities to family members or reliable friends who can lend a helping hand. Planning and sharing responsibility helps minimize surprises and reduces stress levels, allowing you to navigate the summer chaos more smoothly… and enjoy a bit of it yourself.


As caregivers, we tend to put everyone else’s needs before our own – and for some parents, that often looks like spending time with our kids as if they were our only friends. So in case you needed this reminder, this doesn’t have to be the case.

Socializing and connecting with others – particularly those who can offer advice and support, such as other caregivers – can work wonders for your mental health. The point is, you’re not a bad parent or caregiver if every event you participate in revolves around making those who depend on you happy. Instead, your sanity depends on also looking out for your happiness. 


CareGIVERS, not careTAKERS, right? Well, if you don’t take time to refill your tank, it will go empty, and then no one will get anywhere. Allow yourself some downtime, and add it to the calendar if you have to. An evening walk with your fave podcast, 20 minutes of reading that trash book before bed, blasting the radio with the windows down and the AC on… whatever you love, whatever makes you feel invigorated, do it. For you and everyone around you.

“Self-care isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity,” said Claudette Banda, PMHNP. “Take time for yourself this summer, guilt-free. Do something that brings joy and relaxation. Practice mindfulness to stay in the moment and let go of stress. Engage in physical activities that get endorphins flowing.”


Let’s not overlook the incredible benefits of telepsychiatry for caregivers, especially during the busy summer months. Telepsychiatry offers convenience, accessibility, and flexibility. It’s like having a therapist in your pocket! Need support during your vacation travels? Having a meltdown that’s got nothing to do with the weather? No problem! Just hop on a video call and get the help you need. Telepsychiatry can be your secret weapon to manage any anxiety or stress that comes your way.

Bonmente is an excellent option for telepsychiaatry services, providing convenient and accessible mental health care at your fingertips.


Summer can be challenging for caregivers, but it doesn’t have to be a never-ending rollercoaster of exhaustion. By planning, connecting with others, prioritizing self-care, and utilizing telepsychiatry, you can enjoy the summer while maintaining your mental health and well-being. 

So go out there, embrace the vibrant colors and long sunny days, and create beautiful memories!

Telepsychiatry: Stay Home, Feel Better!

Mental health is a topic often shrouded in stigma and shame, but the truth is that 1 in 5 Americans will experience some form of mental illness in their lifetime. That’s a whopping 20% – a staggering statistic, and it’s time we start talking more openly about mental health help. Moreover, it’s time to talk about the benefits of telepsychiatry…specifically at bonmente…and how you can move forward, feel better, and improve the quality of your life.


Telepsychiatry is a revolutionary form of mental health care that is quickly becoming the preferred way for people to receive psychiatric services. Better yet, it has been extensively studied and found to be as effective as treatment as usual for most mental health issues.

It is a form of telemedicine that involves the use of telecommunications technology to provide remote mental health services to individuals who want to skip a trip to the office. It has a number of benefits for those with mental health issues, including:

  • increased access to care,
  • improved quality of care,
  • more continuity in care,
  • better efficiencies in providing care, and
  • cost savings.

Telehealth is here to stay, and for those of us who spend too much time in traffic already, we are thankful!

Let’s take a closer look at who can benefit from telepsychiatry services at bonmente.


At bonmente, our providers are clinically and techonologically trained to care for all mental health problems through telemedicine platforms. If the condition can be treated in any other office setting, it can be done with telemedicine. For patients who are in crisis or need more intensive treatment, a telepsychiatry appointment can be the first step to getting a higher level of care.  

Here are just some of the conditions that can benefit from telepsychiatry services at bonmente.

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Depression
  • OCD
  • PTSD
  • ADHD
  • Postpartum
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Personality Disorders
  • Gender Dysphoria

These are also all conditions that, in some way, tend to make it difficult to get to appointments or feel comfortable seeking care in a public setting.

So, whether you have ADHD and time management is a challenge or depression that makes it feel impossible to get out of the house, telepsychiatry can help. Telepsychiatry makes it easier for people to receive the help they need from the comfort of their own homes.


You don’t need to struggle with a diagnosed mental health condition to benefit from telepsychiatry. We can help put together a customized care plan that helps you prioritize your mental health. Maybe you’re going through a tough time and need someone to talk to, or maybe you’re interested in learning new coping strategies for stress. Whatever your reason, telepsychiatry can provide support, tools, and guidance to help you succeed.

“Just like eating right and exercising, getting mental health ‘check-ups’ can be the difference between a bad day and a bad year,” said Jaspreet Takhar, PMHNP at bonmente. “Talking with a telehealth professional can help you gain clarity and perspective, no matter where you are in your mental wellness.”


Mental health disorders can be incredibly debilitating and prevent people from living their best lives. If you’re feeling held back by a mental health disorder, telepsychiatry can help you find joy again. With the help of a licensed mental health professional, you can learn new coping skills and strategies for managing symptoms, developing healthier habits, and rediscovering the fulfillment of living a happy, healthy life.

Through telepsychiatry,  bonmente offers a range of services to meet your unique mental health needs. Our team of experienced professionals can give you with the care you need – whenever and wherever you need it.

Contact us today if you are looking for telepsychiatry in Long Beach

5 Tips to Reduce Stress and Ease Depression

Are you feeling stressed out and overwhelmed? Does it sometimes seem like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, making it hard to even get out of bed in the morning? We hear you.

We know that navigating the challenges of stress and depression makes it hard to find your way back to a place of calm and contentment. That’s why our team of expert mental healthcare providers have put together this list of five tips to help you reduce stress and ease depression.

Whether you’re dealing with a tough day or a more long-term struggle, these tips will help you feel more centered, more in control, and more like yourself again. 


Do you want to reduce stress and feel good both physically and mentally? Exercise is the key. 

When you get moving, your body releases endorphins, like little mood-boosting magic potions. Your brain gets a jolt and starts making new connections. And the best part, it doesn’t take much to feel the benefits of movement.

“Even a short walk around the block, a gentle yoga session, or any other physical activity you enjoy can do the trick,” said Jaspreet Takhar, PMHNP at bonmente. “Try cycling, swimming, or dancing if you’re feeling more adventurous. The secret is to make it a regular part of your routine and watch the stress melt away.”


Thanks to our phones and social media, today’s world is more connected than ever. But sometimes, all this connectivity can add to our stress and anxiety. That’s why it’s important to take some time to disconnect every day. Give yourself a break from your phone and computer, even if it’s just for 30 minutes. Use this time to go for a quick walk, read a book, meditate, or enjoy peace and quiet. You’ll be amazed at how much calmer and more relaxed you feel.


A lack of sleep can make stress and depression worse, so concentrate on improving the quality and quantity of the ZZZs you’re getting. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, and avoid screen time before bedtime, as the blue light from electronic devices can disrupt your sleep patterns.

Instead, develop a relaxing bedtime routine, like taking a warm bath or reading a book. Try listening to soothing music or doing some deep breathing exercises. Before you know it, you’ll sleep like a baby, waking up refreshed and ready to tackle anything!


Did you know eating a balanced diet can impact your mood and stress levels? You are what you eat, as they say! You feel better physically and mentally when nourishing your body with whole, nutrient-dense foods. On the other hand, filling up on processed junk food and sugary treats can leave you feeling sluggish, irritable, and stressed out.

So, what should you be eating? Add more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to your meals. These foods are packed with everything your body needs to function at its best. Plus, they’re delicious! 


Sometimes, we need extra support to manage our mental health. This may mean offloading some chores on your partner or asking friends for a favor. It may also mean turning to the pros.

Bonmente’s technology-forward psychiatric care makes getting help easy. You can have a virtual appointment with a licensed psychiatric provider at your convenience from anywhere. It’s the perfect solution for those who need mental health support but don’t need another thing stressing them out. Contact us today to learn more!

The Importance Of Self-Love In Therapy

Everyone is talking about self-love these days. It sounds great, but truly loving yourself and practicing self- compassion is something that takes time. And effort.

The truth is, when it comes to striving for mental wellness and managing life’s struggles without faltering (hello, resilience), our self-perception makes all the difference. So, let’s change how we think and tap into the power within by cultivating more self-love.


Self-confidence is often key in healing and therapy. Believing in yourself can be the difference between stumbling blindly through the process or taking control and empowering your journey. No matter what you’re struggling with, if you can boost your self-esteem and adopt a positive attitude, you’ll be
shocked by how much easier it is to find success. Believe it or not, studies have shown that those who emphasize their self-confidence usually make more progress during therapy than those who don’t.


Our self-esteem is shaped by our life experiences and those we interact with. It can grow, shrink, or shift as new or difficult realities emerge or through meaningful relationships with family and friends. But while our self-esteem may be capricious, our belief in ourselves – namely, our self-confidence – is something we can actively nurture to cultivate true empowerment and transformation.

Through practices like self-love and positive reinforcement, we can build the strength necessary to overcome whatever roadblocks stand in the way of our mental wellness. From mental hurdles to mood hurdles and feelings of shame or regret that affect our self-esteem, self-love helps us build the self-confidence necessary to heal and recover.


It’s easy to forget how deeply intertwined mental health and self-love are – but understanding that connection is crucial in helping create lasting change.

“Self-love isn’t just feeling good about yourself. It requires us to delve into uncharted territory and untangle the complexity of our emotions,” said Teri Arana, LCSW, at bonmente. “Self-love is ultimately knowing that you have worth, even when it might not seem obvious.”

Practicing self-love through acts of kindness and taking the necessary steps to care for your mental health, such as checking in with your emotions and going to therapy, are foundational to building stronger self-esteem and self-confidence and increasing overall happiness. Investing time into loving ourselves despite our flaws, regrets, mistakes, or fears is the first step towards reclaiming our power and gaining greater control over our lives.


Mental health and healing is an ongoing journey for many of us, and self-love and self-care are key to positive progress. Self-care isn’t just about luxury spa treatment or having a ‘me day’. Self-care is about teaching our minds to be more kind, understanding, and forgiving. By taking proper care of your mind, you will be able to create lasting habits that help manage symptoms.

Ready to learn how self-love can enhance your experience in therapy? Rediscover the joys available in reclaiming yourself and your well-being with something seriously practical – telepsychiatry.

At bonmente, we strive to make accessing self-love and therapy easier than ever. But it’s up to you to take the first step. After all, self-love is what you give to yourself when no one (or nothing) else will. It’s like being able to reach into your own pockets and surprise yourself with presents every once in a while!

So, why not reach for your phone and book an appointment with us? Show yourself some real love!

Treating ADHD The Ethical & Thorough Way

When you have ADHD, getting through the day can sometimes feel like you are wrestling a mythical beast. And if simple tasks disguised as Herculean feats weren’t enough to contend with, finding an ADHD treatment that works for you can leave you feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. That’s because many medical professionals take an inflexible approach to treating ADHD that is NOT tailored to your individual symptoms or history.


You have special strengths and powers waiting to be unlocked by a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

At bonmente, we believe it’s time to move beyond ‘one size fits all’ solutions. We explore conscientious ways to treat ADHD through comprehensive assessments and tailored treatments the thorough and ethical way.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex condition often linked to genetic factors. And while the exact origin may be unknown, proper diagnosis plays an integral role in safe and successful treatment. For this reason, it’s crucial to obtain an accurate evaluation from qualified providers who can understand your personal history and determine whether any other causes are potentially responsible for your symptoms.

During the assessment process at bonmente, we will gauge how long you have been dealing with symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsiveness, how much interference they cause in everyday life, and how best to target intervention with individualized strategies.


We understand the temptation to reach for stimulant medications when faced with an ADHD diagnosis. They work. But they can also lead to dependence, increased anxiety, and heart problems. Our top priority is your well-being. Instead of automatically handing out prescription drugs as a solution, we’ll take time to review your situation and consider more holistic approaches.

Our mission? To find what works best without compromising safety or putting you at risk.

So, in addition to lifestyle changes and routines such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress management, we encourage our patients to explore options like therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), specifically, shows tremendous promise in helping ADHD patients restructure their thought processes to manage their symptoms better.

And while optimal treatment for ADHD is usually a combination of therapy and medications, holistic approaches like these can get to the root of troubling symptoms in a way that medications cannot.  By leveraging the power of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), patients can take steps to break free from a lifetime of self-critical thinking. CBT can help by replacing harmful cognitive distortions with healthier ones that pave the way for more positive emotions.

Bottom line: If you have been treated for ADHD before, we’ll thoroughly review your history, symptoms, and medical records to find what works … (and what doesn’t.)


Living with ADHD can feel like you’re living in a never-ending obstacle course, sometimes exciting, sometimes scary, always a challenge. But with the right combination of treatments crafted just for you and your unique brain, you can harness your ADHD brilliance, unlock your special strengths, and build resilience. 

If you are seeking ADHD treatment in Long Beach, CA, contact bonmente today.

Does It Feel Like Everyone Is Sick Right Now?

Fever, cough, colds, the flu, why does it feel like everyone is sick right now? Even though we’re on our third ‘post-covid holiday’, there’s still so much going around that can make staying home seem like the best option. This early rush of winter illnesses can make navigating the holiday season even more complicated. Here are some tips from our expert team that can help you prioritize your wellness and enjoy all the holiday season offers.

Prioritize Nutrition

Holiday party foods, cocktails, and cookies are all part of what makes December the most wonderful time of the year. Even though it’s ok to treat yourself every once in a while, it’s important to focus on proper nutrition every month of the year. “ Sugar produces the “feel good” neurotransmitters that temporarily boost our
energy levels and enhance our mood, said Amanda Zapata, PA-C. Refined sugar can cause brain inflammation, cognitive decline, and a number of other health problems.”

Find More Ways To Move

Shorter days, increased periods of darkness, and cooler temperatures can zap motivation. Instead of getting overwhelmed by starting a new workout plan, focus on quick, manageable goals that get you moving. For example, go for a walk on your lunch break—practice yoga before bed. Find ways to incorporate movement into your day to benefit your mental and physical health.

Embrace Telemedicine

Telemedicine gained popularity during covid, and now it’s here to stay! From convenience to accessibility, Telemedicine has many benefits that help people prioritize their health and wellness from the comfort and safety of their homes. Check with your medical providers to see if Telemedicine is an option for your next appointment so you can stay home and stay healthy.

Protect Your Mental Health

We know how busy this time of year can be for you and your family. But, despite the hustle and bustle of the season, it’s essential to make time for your mental health. At bonmente, we offer technology-forward psychiatric care for all mental health conditions. Our providers will develop a treatment plan uniquely customized just for you. Now you can receive care from your home with convenient appointments that work with your schedule.

Reach out to our team today to put together a plan that can enhance your mood this holiday season and beyond.

How To Navigate Holiday Stress & Family Conflict

The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy, love, and peace. But for many of us, the stressors of the holiday season get in the way of merry making. 

From buying gifts, attending holiday parties, and dealing with family conflicts, the holidays can be tough to get through unscathed. We don’t have the official handbook on navigating holiday stress (and family drama), but these tips from our team can help you manage holiday stress without losing your mind.


There may be many things we want to do and people we want to please around the holidays. But when it’s all said and done, our bank account doesn’t give a hoot about the holiday spirit. So how do we manage our financially-triggered holiday stress and stay within our budget?

“Before filling up your holiday calendar or shopping cart, sit down and create a budget you can stick to,” says Rachel Jumonville, PA-C, a bonmente provider. “Following a budget doesn’t mean you have to skimp on gifts. It might mean being mindful of spending, getting creative with gifts, or scaling back on some of your party plans.”

And if you’re feeling guilty about saying no to people or not buying a gift for your great-uncle Bob, don’t worry! Putting your needs first during the holiday season is okay, and the people who love you will understand. 


One of the best ways to manage holiday stress is to take regular mental breaks. Step away from the holiday bustle for a few minutes here and there to clear your head. These little check-ins help you decompress and offload some of the chaotic energy that comes with the season, making you better equipped to handle stress when it comes. 

If you’re feeling especially stressed, take a quick walk or do some simple exercises to get your blood flowing. It’s amazing what a few jumping jacks can do… If the family conflict starts to heat up, give yourself permission to walk away and take a few deep breaths. 


The holidays are a time when family dynamics can come into sharp relief. If you dread spending time with certain family members or friends, set some expectations and boundaries. For instance, if you know that nosy Aunt Susie will pry into your love life or that Uncle Bob will have one drink too many and talk politics with anyone who will listen, mentally prepare yourself ahead of time. Then, communicate your needs and limits clearly and firmly.

This doesn’t mean you have to create a big drama – in fact, setting boundaries can help everyone enjoy the season with less of it. And that’s something everyone can be thankful for. Set realistic expectations to avoid feeling overwhelmed and disappointed. And by maintaining boundaries, you can protect your time, energy, and generosity before other people or triggers have a chance to take advantage of it.


Telepsychiatry is a flexible and convenient option if holiday stress or family conflict is becoming too much to handle on your own. At bonmente, our team is experienced in helping people healthily manage their stressors and other mental health concerns that can be especially triggering this time of year. For this reason, we offer extended hours and Sunday appointments so that you can get help and support when you need it. We’re here for you.

The Seasons Are Changing, But Your Mood Doesn’t Have To

Have you noticed that beautiful sunset you enjoyed all summer now takes place around 6:00 PM? The season of sunshine is slowly slipping away, trying to sneak off without us noticing. It’s dark when you wake up and dark when you get out of work. Your brain and body can’t seem to figure out what time is it again? The temperatures are cooler,  and this lack of sunshine can really impact the way you feel.


“Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) affects 15 million adults or 7.1% of the U.S. population,” said Ana Jimenez, PA-C, of bonmente. “You don’t have to live in sub-zero climate to experience symptoms of SAD. It can happen right here in sunny California.”


Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression closely linked to changes in the seasons, and it can make you feel like you’re in a constant state of gloom. But there’s no need to let your mood take a nose-dive just because the seasons change. There are ways to overcome SAD and keep your spirits high all year.

If you feel down or depressed for no apparent reason during the fall or winter months, you may suffer from seasonal affective disorder. While the exact cause of SAD is unknown, it is believed to be related to a disruption in the body’s circadian rhythm – the natural 24-hour cycle that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.

People with SAD may have difficulty adjusting to shorter days and less sunlight. For this reason, SAD usually hits people the hardest in the fall as the days get shorter and continue into the winter. For some people, SAD can also occur in the spring or summer, although this is less common.


There are a few key signs that you might be suffering from SAD.

  1. How is your energy level? Do you feel more tired or less motivated than usual?
  2. Has your mood been shifting recently? Are you feeling more down or irritable than normal?
  3. How is your diet? Have you been craving carbohydrates more often or overeating in general?
  4. Don’t forget about sleep… Are you having more trouble falling or staying asleep?

Other symptoms of SAD can include difficulty concentrating and feelings of hopelessness or sadness. If you catch yourself nodding to any of these questions, it’s worth seeking a professional evaluation to determine whether SAD could be the cause.


Even though you don’t have to deal with the harsh winters that other parts of the country do, it’s still important to pay attention to your mental health as the seasons change. There are a few ways to help maintain a sunny mood, even when the weather isn’t.

  1. Make sure you’re getting enough daylight. Spend time outside daily, even if it’s just for a short walk around the block. 
  2. Exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. 
  3. Connect with loved ones and socialize. Just because it’s getting colder doesn’t mean you have to hibernate – there are plenty of fun winter activities in Cali to enjoy with friends and family.


Some effective treatments for seasonal affective disorder include light therapy, counseling, and medication. Light therapy involves sitting near a special light box that emits bright light for 30 minutes to two hours daily. The light exposure helps regulate the body’s circadian rhythm and improve mood by affecting chemical changes in the brain.

Therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can help people with SAD identify and change negative thinking patterns contributing to their depression. And finally, medication can help treat underlying conditions like anxiety or depression contributing to SAD symptoms.


Shorter days and less sunlight can impact your mood, even in sunny So Cal. But don’t spend your days wishing for warmer weather and suffering in the meantime.  

At bonmente, we look forward to helping you feel better – from an expert diagnosis to a customized treatment plan. With some lifestyle changes and perhaps some light therapy, counseling, or antidepressant medication, you can get through the changing seasons with your mood intact! Give us a call today!


Many celebrities have spoken up about mental health struggles in the last few years (thank you Chrissy Teigen, Demi Lovato, Michael Phelps, and Lady Gaga!!), but if you’ve been tuned in the last week, you may have seen mental health has moved from a side show to the main stage.

On Saturday, Megan thee Stallion, known as the Hot Girl Coach and the H-Town Hottie, proudly strut a new title.

Miss Anxiety. 


The award-winning artist who inspired a season of self-confidence for women of all shapes, sizes, and colors went on national television and said out loud that she has body issues and anxiety. That she should get help. That she just wants to talk to somebody who gets her.


If that wasn’t enough to raise awareness of the impact of mental health issues, Taylor Swift followed it up in the wee hours this morning with an album that speaks to her eating disorder and depression.

In Anti-Hero, she perfectly describes the insomnia of depression that so many people wrestle with when she says:

Midnights become my afternoons
When my depression works the graveyard shift
All of the people I’ve ghosted stand there in the room

Between the two of them, these women have released more than a dozen albums, won nearly 50 Grammy awards, and endured the brutal scrutiny of the public eye for almost 20 years. 

Despite the social dissection of their entire being, they have generously offered up more vulnerability, invited us in to see who they really are, and shown us their innermost struggles. Most people can’t even do that with their own family members. 


These public journeys of healing do so much to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental illness and end the unnecessary suffering of those who resist seeking treatment. 

“Some people may not recognize their mental health struggles or may feel embarassed to acknowledge them,” said Mottsin Thomas, a psychiatrist at bonmente

“But when a celebrity or other admired person speaks about their challenges, it helps others feel seen, to find words for their own experience,  and hopefully to seek help.”

If these songs speak to you or if you want to talk to someone who gets you, give bonmente a call today. 

Caregiver Burnout – Don’t Forget To Take Care Of Yourself!

So, you’re a caregiver. A mom, a dad, an aunt, a teacher- the “list” of caretakers goes on an on. Whether you are a professional caretaker or a self-promoted family manager, all caretakers have a few things in common: they are kind, compassionate, gentle, and self-sacrificing.

Caregivers give a lot…and sometimes get nothing in return (or at least it feels that way some days). Maybe you’ve been in this role for years, or it feels that way. You’re either getting paid for the support you offer, or your life feels like one big donation of your time and energy.

Regardless, you wouldn’t be a caregiver if you didn’t CARE. But there comes the point where you cannot be here – nor there, or anywhere since all over the place is where you are most days – if you don’t also care for yourself.



No matter your unique role as a caregiver, it’s a demanding one that can quickly lead to burnout if you’re not careful.

“Caring for others is a lot of work, and often, caregivers put their own needs last,” said Roseanna Duenas, PA-C. “Caregivers don’t want the guilt of caring for themselves when there’s so much to be done for someone else which can lead to burnout.”

Caregiver burnout happens when the physical, emotional, and mental demands of caregiving become too much. This exhaustion may be accompanied by a change in attitude – from positive and caring to negative and cynical. You may feel hopeless, resentful, detached, or even depressed when burnt out, finding it hard to
concentrate or make decisions.

Burnout can happen when caregivers don’t get the help they need or if they try to do too much. It’s also common among those who have high personal standards and want to be perfect caregivers. And it’s not just physical exhaustion involved – there’s a deep emotional toll, too.


As a caregiver, you are constantly juggling a million different things. You’re ensuring your loved one is taken care of while maintaining your own life and well-being. It’s a lot to handle, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

With back-to-school and fall schedules in full swing, it’s more important than ever to be mindful of caregiver burnout. Now is the time for the spotlight to shine on you and ensure you’re taking care of yourself!

Here are some ways to do so and avoid burnout:

Set boundaries. 

It’s okay to say no if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Don’t try to do it all – focus on one priority at a time.

Take deep breaths and plenty of breaks.

When you feel like you’re reaching your limit, take some time for yourself. Step away from your caregiver duties and do something that brings you joy and peace.

Seek support.

If you’re struggling with caregiver burnout or stress, reach out to a support group or counselor who can help you through this. Remember, you’re not alone – others understand what you’re going through and can offer helpful advice and support.



As a caregiver, you do not have to do everything yourself, nor do you have to do everything for yourself.

Our team at bonmente will ensure that while you’re managing daily demands and medications for someone else, you are also in control of your own. You might not be able to control everything in life, especially during busy seasons, but you can control your treatment plan!

When you need someone to be there for you, delegate to us. We’ll ensure that your medications are working; if not, we’ll adjust them as needed. The best part? Our electronic refills can help you get what you need within an hour, helping ease your stress from the comfort of your home.

When your life starts to feel like giving care is literally all you do, let us help you give back to you. We’re here to shine the spotlight on you as soon as you’re ready.