Some things

​to think about

How Does Telepsychiatry Work?


Psychiatry services help individuals handle mental health issues like anxiety and depression, but not everyone has the time to visit a physical psychiatry office. Telepsychiatry is ideal in these situations, using live video sessions to provide treatment in the comfort of your home or office. Bonmente provides this service to allow our patients access to treatment at any time and from anywhere. Here’s an overview of how telepsychiatry works:

Finding a Provider 

While many mental health treatment providers offer their services, not all provide telepsychiatry sessions. The first step is finding a provider who does, and Bonmente is a reputable choice. We understand your busy schedule can get in the way of your treatment, so we offer diagnosis and treatment through video sessions. This option helps you talk to a medical professional regardless of time and location. As long as you have a smart device and a stable internet connection, you can access treatment.

Booking an Appointment

When you find a qualified telepsychiatrist, the next step is booking an appointment. Many providers have online portals where you can easily schedule your consultation. Determine when you’re free and book during that time. It can be lunchtime hours when you’re at work or evenings after work or when children are asleep. If you’re on Bonmente’s website, we have questionnaires you must fill in before getting treatment, and we ask that you fill them out completely to get the right care.

Discussing Your Situation

Telepsychiatry providers have an audio and video platform where they can interact with patients as they work to understand their situations better. The team at Bonmente will help treat a wide range of mental health issues, including ADHD, PTSD, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorders, sleep disorders, OCD, and more. 

We encourage our clients to be as open and truthful as possible for effective treatment. Our platform features point-to-point NIST-approved AED 128-bit encryption and SHA 256 for excellent security. It also doesn’t store any audio or video calls for maximum confidentiality.

Getting Personalized Treatment

During your session with a telepsychiatrist, they’ll evaluate your condition thoroughly to formulate a customized treatment plan. They’ll assess your symptoms, the condition’s duration, how it’s affecting your personal life, and other related factors. Our team is qualified to prescribe anti-anxiety medication, antidepressants, stimulants, and other helpful medications. 

We have electronic prescribing here at Bonmente. We send the prescription electronically to your desired pharmacy, and they receive it immediately. You can pick up the medications at your earliest convenience and use them as directed to treat your condition.

Scheduling Follow Up Appointments 

Your telepsychiatry treatment doesn’t end after your first session with the professional. Follow-up appointments are necessary to evaluate the efficacy of your recommended treatment plan. During this appointment, the telepsychiatrist may ask whether you’ve noticed any improvements since the first session. 

If negative symptoms have improved, the professional will determine your treatment plan has been effective. They may recommend continuing with the same treatment until you make significant progress. If you haven’t noticed any improvement or your situation has worsened, the psychiatrist may recommend changing your treatment plan. Additional follow-ups may be required to assess your progress further and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.

Choose Telepsychiatry for Your Mental Health Treatment

Technology has revolutionized how people access mental health care. Bonmente offers quality telepsychiatry services to evaluate your condition and develop a personalized treatment. We have a team of professional psychiatrists, and as long as you have a smart device with a stable internet connection, you can get the care you need to improve your quality of life. Contact us to book your appointment today.

What Is PTSD and How Can Mental Health Therapy Help?


Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychiatric disorder that can develop in people who have experienced or witnessed a traumatic event. These events can include natural disasters, accidents, physical or sexual assault, combat, and emotional abuse. Bonmente offers technology-forward psychiatric care that focuses on treating patients with PTSD and improving their quality of life. Here are some of the ways mental health therapy can help those who are struggling with PTSD:

Identifying Triggers

People who struggle with PTSD may experience triggers or events that remind them of the traumatic event they experienced. These triggers may cause intense emotional distress, leading to flashbacks and other symptoms of PTSD. A therapist uses evidence-based methods to identify and develop coping strategies for these triggers. Bonmente’s practitioners use psychotherapy techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help patients identify and manage their triggers. 

Learning Coping Mechanisms

A therapist teaches you coping skills to manage stress and anxiety associated with PTSD. These skills might include relaxation techniques, mindfulness exercises, and emotional regulation strategies. Addressing PTSD requires professional intervention, and therapists develop a toolkit to equip individuals with the skills to overcome symptoms. Based on your unique experiences and symptoms, Bonmente therapists will tailor techniques to find a method that will work best for you.

Restoring Self-esteem

Mental health therapy helps individuals reclaim their sense of self-worth and self-esteem that the traumatic event may have damaged. Therapists also work towards helping individuals recognize their strengths and achievements. Acceptance and compassion are components of rebuilding a positive self-image.  At Bonmente, we prioritize helping clients rebuild their self-esteem and empowering them to see their worth beyond their trauma.

Processing Traumatic Events

Therapy sessions provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals to process their traumatic experiences. With the help of therapists, patients explore their thoughts and feelings surrounding the event and work towards understanding how it has impacted their lives. It focuses on self-reflection and helps individuals gain a new perspective on their trauma. This can lead to healing and growth, allowing individuals to move forward in a healthy way. A psychiatrist works with individuals to process their trauma in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner.

Building a Support Network

A mental health clinic connects individuals with a strong support network. Building relationships with others who have experienced similar trauma is helpful in the recovery process. These connections allow individuals to feel understood and supported, reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness. Accepting support from loved ones and trained professionals can help individuals feel less alone in their journey toward healing. At Bonmente, we encourage our clients to build a strong support network to aid in their recovery process. 

Embrace Mental Health Therapy

Mental health therapy can be a powerful tool for healing and addressing post-traumatic stress disorder. The benefits of seeking therapy include improved coping skills, increased self-awareness and insight, and stronger control over thoughts and emotions. Meeting with a trained mental health professional can also provide individuals with techniques and strategies to manage symptoms and improve well-being. At Bonmente, we are dedicated to providing our clients with personalized therapy sessions tailored to their specific needs and goals. Reach out to our team today to get started.

Understanding Mental Health Services for Anxiety and Depression


Anxiety and depression are mental health disorders that can affect an individual’s health and overall well-being. There are several ways to address them, such as therapy and medication management. At Bonmente, our providers diagnose, treat, and monitor these conditions to help patients improve their quality of life. Here is more information about mental health services for anxiety and depression:

Understanding Anxiety and Depression

Understanding anxiety and depression is beneficial for promoting mental health awareness, enabling individuals to seek support for these conditions. Both anxiety and depression are treatable conditions. Beginning treatment involves recognizing the symptoms, acknowledging their impact, and finding effective mental health support and resources.


Anxiety is a natural human reaction to perceived threats or stress. It’s a feeling of worry, unease, or fear about what’s to come or a situation with an uncertain outcome. While it’s normal to experience occasional anxiety in response to stressful events or challenges, such as a job interview or public speaking, anxiety becomes a concern when it is overwhelming and persistent or interferes with daily life. Common symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Excessive worry and apprehension
  • Hyperventilating
  • Sweating and shaking
  • Increased heart rate
  • Feeling agitated, weak, or unsteady
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions

Anxiety disorders can take various forms, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias. These disorders may significantly impact daily functioning and relationships. Receiving mental health services from an experienced Bonmente provider can help individuals take control of their anxiety, improving their overall well-being.


Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by frequent feelings of sadness and hopelessness. It can influence how a person feels, thinks, and handles daily activities. Depression may also result in a loss of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities. Some symptoms of depression include:

  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Feelings of worthlessness
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty concentrating or remembering things
  • Sleep disturbances like insomnia or oversleeping
  • Changes in appetite or weight

There are several forms of depression, including seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and postpartum depression (PPD). Each condition can vary in severity and duration. They may also present differently and be triggered by varying factors, such as life events, chemical imbalances, or underlying medical conditions. Recognizing this enables our mental health providers to tailor treatment to address specific symptoms and needs.

Types of Mental Health Services Available

Anxiety and depression can coexist, causing individuals to experience symptoms of both simultaneously. Individuals experiencing these conditions may benefit from professional treatment, such as therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Here are some types of mental health services we offer to address anxiety and depression:

Psychiatric Evaluations

Our Bonmente mental health providers use psychiatric evaluations to diagnose conditions like anxiety and depression. These comprehensive assessments allow providers to evaluate and develop treatment plans for each individual. They involve gathering information about the individual’s medical history, symptoms, and psychosocial functioning to make an accurate diagnosis.

Therapy and Counseling

Therapy and counseling are key components of treatment for anxiety and depression. They allow individuals to explore their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in a supportive and nonjudgmental environment. There are several different approaches to therapy and counseling, including talk therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

CBT is an effective treatment for anxiety and depression, helping to identify and change negative thinking patterns. Therapy may be used alone or in combination with other treatment options, such as medication, lifestyle changes, and self-care strategies. Our qualified mental health professionals can conduct a thorough assessment and recommend the most appropriate therapeutic approach for each individual.

Medication Management

Medications are an effective tool prescribed to help alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Providers use various anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medications to manage symptoms. Many medications take several weeks to go into effect, requiring consistent monitoring to assess how the patient responds. Our providers work closely with each patient to find the most suitable treatment regimen based on their needs, preferences, and treatment goals.


Telepsychiatry services offer convenient and accessible access to mental health care from the comfort of their own homes. This service utilizes telecommunications technology, such as videoconferencing and secure messaging platforms, to connect individuals remotely with our psychiatrists and mental health professionals. At Bonmente, our telepsychiatry interface is encrypted and confidential. It allows us to provide timely, convenient, and effective support for our patients experiencing depression and anxiety.

Access Mental Health Services With Bonmente

Depression and anxiety are two distinct but often interconnected mental health conditions that can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. With proper support and resources, individuals can learn to manage their symptoms. Whether through therapy, medication, telepsychiatry, or a combination of approaches, our Bonmente providers are equipped to treat anxiety and depression. Contact us today to learn more about our mental health services and their benefits.

The best New Year’s resolution: Telepsychiatry

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A new year, a new you! A new chapter! A clean slate! A fresh start!

However you phrase it, the new year offers a symbolic opportunity for renewal and self-refection. It’s a time to nurture our aspirations and set new goals.

The idea of a clean slate sparks optimism, motivating people to leave behind challenges or disappointments of the past and embrace the possibilities that the future holds.

Studies show that about 43% of people give up on their resolution by the end of January, and only 9% of people see it through the entire year. But you can set yourself up for success in 2024 and beyond by making a resolution that enhances all areas of your life — improving your mental health.

And the best  news is that insurance-covered telepsychiatry makes keeping your resolution simple, affordable, and accessible. Aka sustainable. 

From navigating the complexities of your career to improving connections in your relationships, telepsychiatry can help improve your daily experiences and enhance your overall wellness. Here are a just a few reasons telepsychiatry in 2024 is the best resolution you can make.

Restore your work/life balance.

Gone are the days when your work desk has to double as a stress chamber. With telepsychiatry, you can free yourself from those lunchtime anxiety spirals and check in with your doctor instead. Virtual appointments help you declutter your mind, improving focus and boosting productivity. This newfound work-life harmony won’t let deadlines dictate your mental state. You can regain control, prevent burnout, and find a renewed sense of clarity with the help of bonmente‘s telepsychiatry team.

Build relationship resilience.

Prioritizing your mental health with telepsychiatry can address emotional challenges, communication issues, and interpersonal dynamics from wherever you are. It provides a safe space to address concerns, improve communication, resolve conflict, and build bridges. As easy to access as your Maps app, telepsychiatry is like your relationship GPS for a smoother journey.

Gain parenting patience.

Raising tiny humans, especially if they’re miniature versions of yourself, isn’t for the faint of heart. But telepsychiatry can help you build your parenting playbook. It offers a judgment-free zone to discuss the challenges and triumphs of parenthood. From overcoming tantrums to maintaining your sanity during the chaos, virtual therapy sessions help equip you with the skills to be the parent your kids (and you) need.

Enjoy some stress-free socialization.

If you don’t have a little social anxiety after all that pandemic induced isolation, count yourself as one of the lucky ones. Social anxiety can make leaving the comfort of your bubble seem way too not-worth-it, but with telepsychiatry, you can learn strategies to navigate awkward silences and networking nightmares and start enjoying the perks of human connection again. 

Rediscover your hobbies and interests.

Remember those hobbies you pushed to the back burner because you got too busy to actually do the things you enjoy doing? Telepsychiatry is just the permission slip you need to dust off that hobby box and get back at it. Free up some space for creative endeavors and passion pursuits by addressing mental roadblocks. Whether it’s painting, writing, reading, traveling, or rock climbing, virtual therapy can help fuel your creativity and rekindle your zest for life.

Improve your sleep health.

One night of bad sleep is enough to affect how you think, how you manage stress, and how you regulate your emotions. A week of “enh” sleep, and you’re on the path to a waking nightmare. Telepsychiatry is a low-stress way to explore sleep issues and trial different interventions to see what will work for you.

“A good night’s sleep acts as the body’s nightly rejuvenation session,” said Catalina Villa, a psychiatrist at bonmente. “Adequate and quality sleep is as important to your life as food and water.”

Build lasting resilience.

The reality is, life is going to keep happening in 2024, bringing its usual twists and turns and ups and downs. What can make this year better than others is investing in a mental resilience umbrella through telepsychiatry and turning challenges or uncertainties into opportunities for growth.

Telepsychiatry can your anchor in 2024, helping you weather the storms and savor the sunshine this year. Getting support from the team at bonmente can be the secret ingredient that enhances every aspect of your life, turning the simple things into the extraordinary. Book an appointment today.

Telepsychiatry | Mental Health Blog

EmpowHER: Spotlight on women’s wellness

The holidays are a time of togetherness, of merry making and joy and magic. A time when many women find themselves caught in an impossible tangle of work demands, family responsibilities, and personal fulfillment.

Unfortunately, for many women, wellness takes a backseat to all life’s other responsibilities and demands, especially at this time of year. Sure, they want to luxuriate in the bathtub or hide under the covers with a book, but they also want to make sure everyone they love has their favorite food on the table when they gather and that nobody feels bummed by what didn’t make it under the tree. 

Women’s wellness is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Just like one pair of jeans won’t suit every body, women’s wellness is a personalized journey meant to identify needs and desires and prioritize time for self. Some days wellness is about blocking off time for a facial with friends. Other days it’s just remembering to take your multivitamin!

Hormonal fluctuations, societal expectations, and constantly shifting roles makes the female experience one marked by never-ending triumphs and tribulations. Let’s explore a few unique challenges women face that can make prioritizing wellness a real challenge.

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Women, the eternal multitaskers, often perform a daily balancing act. From career development to family responsibilities, societal expectations to personal ambitions, the plethora of roles women assume can be both enriching and overwhelming.

This intricate balance often leads to stress, anxiety, and a constant battle to meet perceived expectations. Understanding and addressing these unique stressors is crucial to promoting mental health and support.


The ebb and flow of hormones add another layer of complexity to the experience of women. Menstrual cycles bring about hormonal fluctuations that can impact mood, energy levels, and emotional well-being. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) and its more severe counterpart, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD), are hormonally-triggered disturbances to mental wellness that can bring a woman’s world to a screeching halt.

As women transition through life stages, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy and menopause bring on a new set of mental health considerations. Mood swings, hot flashes, and changes in sleep patterns can all contribute to emotional challenges.


Motherhood is without question an incredible life experience, one that brings unmatched richness and joy… and stress and frustration and exhaustion. There, we said it.

Just like professionals working 60-hours a week are likely to burnout, so are moms putting in 24-hour-a-day shifts, 365-days-a-year. The demands of career, family, and personal aspirations mean mothers are constantly juggling the needs of others with their own. It’s not hard to imagine how exhausting it is to keep up this act.

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Postpartum depression, anxiety, and the demanding nature of motherhood can create a mental health landscape that requires sensitive and comprehensive care. Women also take on the caretaker role and bear the weight of nurturing and supporting those around them. While this innate caregiving capacity is a testament to women’s strength, it also places significant demands on their mental and physical health.


We live in a world dominated by airbrushed images and unrealistic social expectations, and it’s hard not to compare yourself to this picture-perfect alternate unreality sometimes. The societal demand for perfection can contribute to body image issues, stress, low-self work, negative self-talk, and mental health challenges.

The constant pressure to meet external expectations requires women to build resilience and practice self-awareness. Recognizing and addressing these societal pressures is important for creating a culture that supports women in their pursuit of health and well-being, free from unrealistic expectations. 


Although the CDC reports women are 33 percent more likely than men to visit a doctor, there is still significant stigma surrounding mental health that gets in the way of women getting the help and support they need.

“The silent battles women face, often internalized due to societal norms, emphasize the need for open conversations, empathy, and comprehensive support systems,” said Catalina Villa, a psychiatrist at bonmente. 


Understanding the challenges of women is the first step to getting them the care they need, when they need it, without any apologies or judgments. Women deserve comprehensive, compassionate, and personalized mental health care that addresses the nuances of their lived experiences. Our compassionate team at bonmente allows you to prioritize your mental health from the comfort and safety of your home. and encourages you to give yourself the gift of some grace this time of year. 

How to enjoy “the most wonderful time of the year”

Tis the season for celebrating… or so they say.

From getting enough Halloween candy to making it to midnight on New Year’s Eve, the next three months are some of the most demanding of the year. Sure, the most fun and festive too, but all that holiday bliss comes wrapped in some serious stress.

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Your to-do list seems to grow a mile high overnight, outlining everything you need to should do. Soon, you feel like the star of a holiday movie trying to pull off a picture-perfect celebration on little sleep, no energy, and an empty bank account.

If that scenario sounds all too relatable, consider this your invitation to skip the stress, bypass the chaos, and kick the holiday expectations to the curb this year! It’s time to break free from these self-imposed holiday demands and embrace the season with open arms. 

Here are three positive mindsets that can help you let go of holiday expectations and rediscover the magic of the season.

1. I will do my best, and that will be enough.

If you find yourself falling to a comparison trap this season, take a step back and analyze your triggers. Was it the incredible holiday light display in your neighbor’s yard? Maybe the flawless dinner spread you saw on Instagram is leaving you second-guessing your Thanksgiving tableware? 

Whatever the cause, it’s essential to watch out for comparison traps during the holidays that can sap the joy from your festivities.

Mental Health Blog | Telepsychiatry

2. I will spend money wisely.

Gift-giving is a wonderful tradition, but it shouldn’t empty your wallet or max out your credit card. Instead of dwelling on luxury, think about thoughtful, sentimental gifts. A homemade craft or a meaningful card can mean more than any expensive gadget. Giving during the holiday season (or any time of year) can significantly benefit your mental health.

When you give, you shift the focus from your concerns to the well- being of others, which can create a sense of purpose and fulfillment. The act of giving releases endorphins, which can elevate your mood and reduce stress. It also strengthens feelings of empathy and connection, enhancing your overall emotional well-being. There are so many reasons to give that have little to do with how much you actually spend.

3. I will protect myself from burnout.

It’s the season of invitations galore, and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) kicks in big time. But remember, it’s okay to say ‘no’ when you’re overwhelmed.

Prioritize self-care and quality time with loved ones. No one’s keeping score on your holiday party attendance record! Make a promise to yourself to avoid burnout this year by doing what you can, when you want to, and on your terms.

Remember that it’s perfectly fine to have moments of stress or sadness during the holiday season. It’s natural. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions that come your way, and remember that it’s okay to take a break and practice self-care when you need to.

Mental Health Blog | Psychiatrists

We'll get through this together!

As you navigate the upcoming holiday season, remember that you don’t have to face challenges alone. Therapy is a valuable resource that can provide support, coping strategies, and a safe space to explore your thoughts and emotions during this potentially stressful time.

Our team is committed to your well-being, and we’re here for you wherever you are. Whether you’re celebrating at home or traveling, our online therapy services make accessing the help you need convenient.

Let this season be one of self-care, resilience, and personal growth. Reach out to us, and let’s work together to make your holidays a time of healing, growth, and joy.

The perks of in-person appointments

Modern-day psychiatric care is all about convenience and connection. That’s why we built bonmente to be technology-forward and accessible! The proven benefits of telemedicine have been widely documented and it’s certainly here to stay. But what about those who picture themselves in a cozy therapist’s office… resting on a comfortable couch… having profound breakthroughs during an in-person therapy appointment?

We see you!

Long Beach Psychiatrists

Even in a world of premier virtual care, it’s important to know that in-person appointments are available if that’s what you prefer. In some cases, an in-person appointment can actually enhance your healing journey for many reasons. Let’s explore a few.


Being in the physical presence of another person deepens human connection, even if it’s just a reassuring handshake or a friendly smile. In-person appointments bring you face-to-face with your therapist allowing you to feel the warmth of their presence, which can be incredibly comforting. These types of appointments foster a more profound sense of human connection, helping patients feel heard, valued, and supported on their healing journey.


Body language can reveal a patient’s emotional state. Signs of anxiety (e.g., fidgeting, nail-biting), sadness (e.g., slumped shoulders, no eye contact), or agitation (e.g., restlessness, clenched fists) can all be indications of something more. In-person appointments lets you communicate with subconscious subtle cues, like a knowing nod or an empathetic glance, which can promote understanding.

On the other hand, defensive body language, such as crossed arms, closed-off postures, or avoiding eye contact, may signal resistance to talking about specific topics or a reluctance to open up.


Ever had that lightbulb moment when everything suddenly clicks into place? In-person sessions create an environment where breakthroughs feel more tangible. It’s as if the universe aligns with your therapist to make those ‘aha’ moments all the more profound. In-person appointments also offer a physical sanctuary, a dedicated space where you can be entirely yourself without the distractions of the digital world. Think of our beautiful Long Beach office as a safe space for healing.

“Sometimes, digital screens can be a portal to endless distractions,” said Ana Jimenez, a provider at bonmente. “In-person appointments eliminate the temptation to check your notifications, allowing you to be fully present in your healing journey.” 

Our goal at bonmente is to connect patients in need with excellent, highly skilled mental health practitioners. All of the care we provide is convenient, consistent, and comprehensive. Whether it’s in-person or online, we have appointments available that lets you get down to the business of getting better from the start.

We have select in-person availability for a few bonmente providers. Reach out to our team today if you or someone you love would prefer an in- person appointment.

Dodging Mental Traffic Jams During Life’s Transitions

Picture this… You’re cruising along the open road, the summer wind in your hair, and not a care in the world. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, your GPS (which in this scenario is your mind, by the way) starts yelling at you to hit the off-ramp to ‘Transitionsville‘ and now life is filled with stress, excitement, and uncertainty.

Navigating life’s surprises requires a bit of strategy, a splash of humor, some flexibility, a hint of curiosity, and a lot of self-compassion.

Let’s add to your resiliency toolkit and explore a few tips to help you dodge mental traffic jams during life’s transitions.


This one is the classic back-to-school junction! Whether you’re off to college, starting a new semester, or sending the kids back to the classroom, this junction is notorious for causing a mental pile-up. The thought of new friends, challenging schoolwork, new expectations, and all of the social chaos can send you swerving.

  • “Will I fit in?”
  • “Can I handle the coursework?”
  • “What if he’s sitting alone at lunch?”
Embracing new beginnings is like opening a fresh chapter in the book of life. It’s a chance to reimagine, reinvent, and rediscover ourselves. Whether it’s starting a new job, moving to a new city, or simply choosing to let go of the past, new beginnings are filled with growth and opportunity.
Bonmente Telepsychiatry


You’ve been eagerly awaiting this transition, but when reality takes an unexpected turn, it can be like hitting a pothole in the middle of a highway. The classes you were excited about turn out to be a total snoozefest, or the social scene may not quite match your social media-worthy visions. If this happens, slow down and look at the bigger picture.

Remember, life’s GPS recalculates routes all the time as you continue to build resiliency! Embrace the detours, challenges, and setbacks along the way and view them opportunities to learn and grow. No one has a picture-perfect life, so it’s essential to be mindful and practice self-compassion if things don’t go as planned.


Transitions have a way of sneakily placing the weight of the world on your shoulders. Parents and kids should protect themselves from burnout at all costs by accepting that it’s not always possible to meet expectations… and the alternate reality isn’t necessarily a fail. 

“Don’t give into social pressures and unrealistic expectations. Instead, give yourself, and your children, permission to cruise in your own lane,” said Sham Singh, MD, a psychiatrist with bonmente. “Remember that your worth isn’t tied to your science grade or how many goals you scored at the last game. Focus on finding balance and enjoying the ride without the constant pressure to measure up.”


As we enter a new school year and begin to navigate these mental traffic jams, remember that every red light eventually turns green. Our technology-forward psychiatric platform is here to help you manage life’s transitions and steer through the turbulence.

Mental Health Blog

Work Stress? Unlock Your Resilience Potential

Imagine resilience as a muscle – the more you work on it, the stronger it becomes. In a world and workforce filled with challenges and stress, resilience doesn’t just help you withstand difficulties; it helps you bounce back stronger than before!
With 83% of US workers feeling the weight of work-related stress and a quarter of them deeming their job the ultimate stressor, it’s time to equip ourselves with resilience and take charge of our mental health. Read on to learn how to flex those mental muscles with three practical ways to boost resilience at work.
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We all have that inner critic who loves pointing out our flaws and mistakes. But would you criticize and put down your best friend during tough times? Absolutely not! Self-compassion is the key to building resilience, so treat yourself with the kindness you’d show to your closest friend. This isn’t just some fluffy self-help mumbo-jumbo; it’s backed by science! Self- compassion reduces stress, helps you navigate tough situations gracefully, and fosters a positive outlook. Self-compassion is acknowledging that everyone makes errors and faces setbacks — part of being human.

Instead of dwelling on self-criticism, remind yourself that setbacks are growth opportunities. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take short breaks throughout the day to recharge. Enjoy self-care activities like walking, enjoying your favorite snack, or practicing mindfulness.


Remember the last time you got stuck working on a high-priority project, juggling various tasks, and working long hours to meet a tight deadline? When facing this mountain of work, you felt immediate relief when you reached out to a coworker who offered a listening ear and sound advice. That’s the power of social support–a major resilience booster!

“Reach out to colleagues, friends, or family members who understand your work challenges,” said Ana Jimenez, PA-C. “Engage in open conversations with them, sharing your experiences and listening to theirs. Sometimes, knowing that others face similar situations can be incredibly reassuring.”

Additionally, participate in team-building activities or social events with your colleagues. These interactions foster a sense of camaraderie, enhancing workplace relationships and morale. Having a resilience tribe can provide emotional support, different perspectives, and valuable advice during tough times.


We all had those “I-can’t-deal” moments at work, right? Stress is inevitable, especially in a fast-paced or mentally-taxing work environment. However, learning to manage stress is vital for building resilience. 

While we can’t eliminate all stressors, we can control how we respond. Start by identifying stressors within your control, then focus on what you can change, letting go of what’s beyond your influence. Embrace problem-solving strategies to tackle challenges step-by-step. If you find yourself overwhelmed, take a moment to breathe deeply and regain your composure.

Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation, exercise, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy because holding onto stress only depletes your resilience reserves. And if it helps, picture stress as that old, outdated fashion trend from the ’80s – it’s time to bid it farewell! By letting go of unnecessary worry, you free up mental space to tackle issues effectively and better care for yourself.


Remember, resilience isn’t necessarily an innate trait but rather a skill you can develop. By treating yourself with kindness, building a strong support system, and managing stress proactively, you can improve your ability to handle challenges at work and promote better overall mental health.

As you move forward, armed with these practical strategies to boost resilience, face each day confidently. Embrace difficulties as opportunities for personal growth and keep that resilience muscle strong. And if you ever need extra support on your journey to resilience, don’t hesitate to reach out to our mental health professionals at bonmente, who are here to guide you.

The Sneaky Creep of Depression

Mental Health Blog | Depression
Feeling down or unmotivated lately? Notice a shift in your mood?


Depression isn’t something that happens overnight. It’s more commonly a slow, gradual process that starts with subtle signs and symptoms that, if overlooked, can develop into a more debilitating condition. That’s why it’s important to pay attention to those early warning signs so you can get the help and support needed to prevent depression from taking over your life. 
Some subtle signs can indicate when someone is slipping into depression. Understanding these early warning signs of depression can help you recognize potential mental health issues and take steps toward seeking professional assistance when necessary. The following five common signs of depression and how they may manifest in our lives can help you better understand if depression could be affecting how you feel right now.


Have you noticed significant changes in your sleep patterns lately? Depression often disrupts your ability to get a restful night’s sleep. Some individuals may experience insomnia – struggling to fall asleep or waking up frequently at night. 

On the other hand, oversleeping or feeling excessively tired despite getting enough sleep can also indicate hypersomnia, another sign of depression. Paying attention to your sleep habits and any significant changes can be a valuable clue.


Do you feel like you’re dragging yourself through the day? Maybe those simple tasks that used to be a breeze now feel like tasks you’d rather avoid? It could be a sign of depression. This sneaky condition drains our energy levels and blurs the line between being physically tired and feeling persistently drained. 

Plus, we mentioned how it messes with your sleep patterns, which can affect mood-regulating neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Suddenly, things that you used to enjoy can seem like total buzzkills. While we all have days when we feel tired, depression-related fatigue is a different animal entirely. So if you’re feeling unmotivated, consistently fatigued, or unable to find joy in activities you once found fun, it may be time to talk to someone.


Depression can zap your energy and motivation, making it difficult to keep up with basic tasks and personal hygiene. If the schedule you used to maintain without a second thought starts to feel impossible, it may be time to take a little personal inventory. Or if you’re skipping things like brushing your teeth, showering, or fixing your hair, depression may be settling in for a visit. 

“Depression can seriously mess with your concentration and focus, making even the simplest tasks seem impossible to complete,”
said Claudette Banda, PMHNP.
“This often results in a noticeable drop in productivity at work or school, leaving you frustrated and defeated.”

Remember, a slip in hygiene or function is not a reflection of your character or worth! Rather, it’s a symptom of depression affecting your behaviors and daily functioning. 


When depression hits, you might feel like you can’t handle being around other people. Socializing can feel like a burden, so you cancel plans, skip out on social events, and start avoiding your friends and family. But here’s the thing: isolating yourself can make your depression even worse.

Mental Health Blog | Depression Symptoms

If you’re noticing a big dip in your social life or going out of your way to avoid being around others, that’s a sign that you might be dealing with depression.


Have you been feeling more anxious lately or overly frustrated with small things? Well, it’s not uncommon for anxiety and depression to tag-team or for depression to show up as aggravation. But don’t worry; discussing your experiences with a healthcare professional is crucial. Since the symptoms overlap, they can help you figure out whether it’s depression, anxiety, or both and then provide the right kind of support.


If you or someone you know is struggling with these warning signs, the mental health professionals at bonmente can provide a proper diagnosis, guidance, and treatment options.

At bonmente, we understand the challenges of living with depression and are here to support you. With our convenient and prompt telepsychiatry services, you can access professional help from the comfort of your own home. Our experienced team of psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and therapists provide personalized care to address your unique needs.

Remember, the sooner you address your mood, the better. Early intervention increases the odds of early remission, so if you’ve noticed any of these early warning signs, reach out to bonmente  today and take the first step toward reclaiming your well-being. You deserve support and the opportunity to live a fulfilling life free from depression.