Some things

​to think about


How To Clear The Cobwebs




“What was I saying again?

Brain fog is all of those times you lost your train of thought or forgot about an appointment. It’s feeling spacy, groggy, forgetful…just not like your usual self. Brain fog can zap your motivation and creativity as the cobwebs continue to build up. You know that the lights are on upstairs, but it feels like no one is home most days.

What gives?!

Of course, living through a global pandemic does not help matters. At this point, the days seem to all blend together, and time feels like it’s waxing and waning. How are we almost three months away from 2022 already, yet it feels like we are still processing 2020?!

Even though brain fog is not a scientific term or proper medical diagnosis, it’s a nuisance and can impact how you feel. The good news is you can shake the cobwebs and emerge in clarity and better focus with these helpful tips.

Step 1: Slow Down!

The first thing to do if you are experiencing brain fog is to slow down. When you are feeling overwhelmed in any way, it’s best to take a step back and regroup.


Think about driving down the highway during a bad storm,” said Sarah Raike, PA-C, a mental health provider with bonmente. “In the middle of a downpour, it’s better to pull over and let things slow down instead of pushing forward when you can’t even see the road ahead.”

Step 2: Check on Your Physical Wellness 

Be sure you are getting proper sleep, nutrition, and hydration. Rinse, wash, and repeat! Poor diet and sleep habits can contribute to several health problems physically and mentally. The good news is there are actual ‘brain foods’ that can help keep your mind sharp. For example, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish keep your brain in top shape. If you have a sugar craving, reach for dark chocolate to help cut back on sugar which can spike your blood sugar and impact your mood.


Step 3: Stop Multitasking

On paper, multitasking sounds like a great way to get a lot of things done. In reality, multitasking often decreases productivity. If you are feeling overwhelmed and distracted, go back to step 1 and slow down! Once you are calm and some of the fog has lifted, break your bigger goal into small, more manageable tasks that you can complete. This approach will help boost your confidence and sense of accomplishment.

​Step 4: Put A Focus on Brain Health

Sometimes, brain fog is just a matter of shaking off the cobwebs and starting over. Other times, it’s a sign of something more. These days, it seems like we all experience brain fog from time to time. However, if you are having trouble focusing or completing tasks, it might be time for an evaluation. Adults with ADHD may have been undiagnosed when younger, only having symptoms later in life when something changed (i.e., going off to college, getting married, having children, etc.)

Adult ADHD patients also frequently have anxietydepression, or other issues that may or may not be related. If symptoms persist, don’t hesitate to reach out for support. Our team is here to walk with you.

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